Transiscope Nantes
Cartographie en réseau de l'Archipelago de Nantes.transiscope.org
The Flodio project offers a new way of navigating network graphs
Using Archipelago semantic server
Using FLOD concept, navigate from node to node
by hovering over a node to highlite it
by selecting a node to see only it & his neighbours
Cartographie en réseau de l'Archipelago de Nantes.transiscope.org
Cartographie de l'écosystème Low-tech
Carto du wiki de la fabrique des mobilités
Low-tech Lab ecosystem cartography
Carto du Semapps Archipel
Cartographie des compétences dans le patrimoine culturel européen
By developing React graph components compatible with SemApps toolbox
By using PAIR or other ontologies to represent class and links into the graph
By studying new projects
Flodio use Astro to fetch semantic data from Archipelago